AA Mid-Season Ego Calculator

Instructions available at the bottom of this page.

If below says "Season X Teams," the website is still fetching the team info. Once the X changes to your season number, you may use the dropdown.

Calculator Instructions

Your new Ego is calculated for you and posted on the Stats page of the Website and the #standings channel on Discord. However, if you have played games that have not been logged yet, you can use this calculator to determine what Ego you should be playing at for your next game. 

How New Egos are Calculated

New Ego = (Starting Ego) + ((Wins - Losses)÷4) + ((Runs Scored - Runs Allowed)÷20)
New Ego cannot be less than 5 less than Starting Ego.

In simple terms, this means that a player’s Ego at any given time is their Starting Ego +1 for every 4 games above .500 (or -1 for every 4 games below .500) and +1 for every +20 run differential (or -1 for every -20 run differential). Your (Wins - Losses)÷4 and (Runs Scored - Runs Allowed)÷20 are each rounded toward zero individually before final calculation. Thus, it takes a full 4 wins (or losses) and/or a full 20 (or -20) run differential to move your Ego. However, regardless of wins, losses, and run differential, New Ego cannot be less than 5 less than Starting Ego. For example, if your Starting Ego is 70, it cannot drop lower than 65.